APG Announces Latest Issue of APGQ Now Online
APG members were notified this week that the latest issue of the APGQ has been released and is now digitally available to members.
Michael J. Leclerc, CG, Managing Editor of the APGQ, announced:
We have a special issue of APGQ for you. For more than a year we have lived through a once-in-a generation event. The COVID-19 pandemic came out of nowhere and forced us to change the way we work. In this issue we are presenting a special report on how the pandemic has affected us as professional genealogists. Many of these changes may be permanently integrated in how we work going forward, even as we move past the pandemic restrictions. We include stories from our members around the world and how they were impacted. Some stories are universal and some are unique. We hope you’ll enjoy all of them.
Two articles included in the new issue were written by New Jersey chapter members. Mark Szep‘s article, “All Genealogied Up with No Place to Go: Lessons Learned Running a Genealogy Business in the Age of COVID-19,” appears on page 10; and Judy Russell‘s article, “Foreseeing the Unforeseeable: Contracts in a Time of Pandemic,” appears on pg. 19.
To Access the New Issue
To download the APGQ, log in to the APG website at apgen.org. Click on the Publications tab and go to the APGQ Archive page. You’ll find the current issue here as well as the archive of all forty years of APG publications.